The Bengal Act IV of 1918, known as The Serampore College Act, 1918, authorizes the College to affiliate theological colleges/seminaries/institutions and grant them the same privileges as to those studying at the College in Serampore. It is structured through the creation of the Senate of the College which is entrusted with the responsibilities to ‘frame courses of studies and make rules for the conduct of examination and shall, subject to the control of the Council, determine the qualifications for the degrees and diplomas and do perform all other matters and things necessary or proper for or relating to the determination of the eligibility of candidates for degrees and diplomas and certificates to be conferred by the Council’. The Council of Serampore College desires that the services of Serampore College as a University should be available to theological institutions that wish to become an integral part of the University as affiliated colleges, and that are willing, and are able, to fulfill the conditions necessary for such affiliation. In granting such a privilege, the Senate, through its Academic Council, uses an instrument for evaluating institutions seeking affiliation and for continuing the same status under the Senate of Serampore College. Once affiliated to the Senate, the institutions shall equip students for the degrees and diplomas of the Serampore College (University)