Course-Doctor of Theology

General information about this course


The D.Th. programme is an endeavor to promote advanced theological education and the formation and equipment of leadership personnel for the ministry and mission of the church in the world and for the Theological education of the church as a whole. Its main objective is to promote critical and creative research in specialized fields of knowledge related to the life, heritage and mission of the church as well as contextual Christian faith, and to advance the frontiers of knowledge. It encourages students to take seriously the legitimate aspirations of all people for justice, freedom, dignity and a life worthy of humanity; cultural, ideological and religious plurality of our society; ecumenical dimension of all Christian thinking in relation to the unity of the Church, the integrity of creation, unity of faith and sensitivity to all dimensions of our life; and the study of Asian languages, cultures, patterns of thought and behavior.It is a minimum of three years residential programme. The thesis can only be submitted after the completion of four years.


He/she shall be a person who has previously obtained the M.Th. degree of the Senate with a minimum of ‘B’ grade or person who in the opinion of the Committee for Research holds an equivalent qualification. He/she shall fulfil the above requirement implicitly as there is no age bar for a person to be admitted to the D.Th. programme. In exceptional cases, a person who while without a Serampore M.Th., in First or Second Class or an equivalent degree has previously published creative research of a high scholarly standard and/or holds a M.Phil., or M.Litt., degree in First or high Second Class from an Indian university or a degree at least equivalent to this from an Indian or foreign university with knowledge in theology may be deemed sufficient for registration to D.Th. programme. Such applicants shall include with their application a statement of their qualifications including academic degree and other training and experience deemed relevant. Each applicant shall satisfy the Committee for Research that he or she has the ability to undertake doctoral studies. Copies of papers presented and any published scholarly research shall be submitted as evidence. Where necessary the Committee for Research may call the applicant for an interview.

General Entrance Requirements

Common Entrance Test: Senate shall conduct entrance test for admission to DTh course once in a year. The Centres shall conduct personal interviews of the perspective students who have successfully passed the common Entrance Test conducted by Senate

Candidates shall be admitted by the centres to the degree programme in the branch they had completed in their M.Th. study. Candidate is required to obtain 60 percent marks in each paper to pass CET. There shall be only three attempts. Passing CET does not guarantee admission to the D.Th. programme in the Senate. Admission are subjected to the availability of seats and supervisors in the feild of his/her choice and based on personal interview. Validity of CET for D.Th. admission is three years. CET shall be conducted only in Senate recognized examination centers, that is, in all the approved doctoral centers only.


Methodology and Research Orientation Seminar is conducted every year before the academic session for newly admitted DTh students.

This seminar is compulsory as per the admission requirement.  Department of Research/ SATHRI conducts the D.Th. Methodology Seminar once a year. Candidates who have passed CET and are seeking admission in the current year will be allowed to attend. Candidates who are waiting to write CET are not allowed to apply for Methodology Seminar