President and Speakers at the Convocations


Year President Speaker
1915 H.E. the Rt. Hon. Thomas David Gibson, Baron Carmichael of Stirling, C.C.I.E., K.C.M.G., Governor of Bengal.
1917 The Hon. Mr. P.C. Lyon, C.S.I., I.C.S., Vice President, Bengal Executive Council. The Hon. Mr. P.C. Lyon, C.S.I., I.C.S., Vice President, Bengal Executive Council.
1918 H.E. the Rt. Hon. Lawrence John Lumely Dundas, Earl of Ronaldshay, G.E.L.C., Governor of  Bengal.
1920 The Hon. Mr. W.W. Honrell, C.I.E., M.A., Director of Public Instruction, Bengal.
1921 The Most Rev. The Lord Bishop of Calcutta Metropolitan of India.
1922 The Rev. J.H. Oldham, M.A., Member of the College Council.
1924 H.E. the Earl of Lytton, P.C. G.C.I.E., Governor of Bengal.
1925 The Hon. Sir Even Cotton, Kt., C.I.E., President of the Bengal Legislative Council.
1926 The Hon. Justice Sir William Ewart Graves. Kt., M.A., Vice Chancellor, Calcutta University.
1928 H.E. Lt. Col. the Rt. Hon. Sir Francis Stanley Jackson, P.C., G.C.I.E., Governor of Bengal.
1930 Jan. The Rt. Rev. Frederic Fisher, D.D., F.R.G.S.
1930 Dec. The Most Rev. the Lord Bishop of Calcutta; Acting for H.E. the Rt Hon. Baron Irwin of  Kirby Underdale, G.M.S.I., G.M.E.I., etc.         Viceroy and Governor General of India.
1932 The Rt. Rev. V.S. Azariah, L.L.D., D.D., Bishop of Dornakal.
1934 Jan. Dr. S.K. Dutta, Principal, Foreman Christian College, Lahore.
1934 Dec. The Rt. Rev. J. Sandegren, M.A., D.D., Bishop of Tranquebar.
1936 The Very Rev. J.A. Graham, C.I.E., D.D., of Kalimpong; Ex-Moderator of the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland.
1938 The Hon. Sir Harold Derbyshire, Kt., M.C., K.C., Chief Justice of Bengal.
1939 Sir Daniel Hamilton, Kt., Gosaba.
1941 The Rev. J. Z. Hodge, Secretary, National Christian Council of India, Burma and Cylon.
1944 Dr. W.A. Jenkins, C.I.E., D.Sc., Director of Public Instruction, Bengal.
1948 Feb. The Rt. Rev. J. Sandegren, M.A., D.D., Bishop of Tranquebar.
1948 Dec. The Rt. Rev. S. Kulandran, B.A., B.D., Bishop of Jaffna, Ceylon.
1950 The Rev. G.H.C., Angus, M.A., D.D., Master of Serampore College.
1952 H.E. Dr. H.C. Mookherjee, M.A., Ph.D., Governor of West Bengal.
1953 Mr. P. Mahanty, M.A., Master of Serampore College, The Rev. J.M. Mackay, M.A., D.D.
1954 Jan. Mr. P. Mahanty, M.A., Master of Serampore College, The Rev. D.S. Wells, A.C.A.
1955 Jan. Mr. P. Mahanty, M.A., Master of Serampore College, Rev. A. Marcus Ward,M.A., D.D.
1957 Jan. Mr. P. Mahanty, M.A., Master of Serampore College, Dr. R. Pierce Beaver, M.A., Ph.D.
1958 Jan. Mr. P. Mahanty, M.A., Master of Serampore College, Principal N.H. Snaith, M.A., D.D.
1959 Jan. Dr. H.J. Taylor, M.Sc., Ph.D., Protem Master, Serampore College. The Rev. C.E. Abraham, M.A., D.D.
1960 Jan. Rai Bahadur Samuel Das, M.A., C.I.E., Master, Serampore College. Shri Rajaiah D. Paul, M.A.
1961 Jan. Rai Bahadur Samuel Das, M.A., C.I.E., Master of Serampore College. Miss. H.M. Lazarus, B.A., F.R.C.S., (Ed.),              F.R.C.G.O., C.B.E., F.A.C.S.
1962 Jan. Rai Bahadur Samuel Das, M.A., C.I.E., Master of Serampore College. Rev. J. Robert Nelson, B.D., D.Theol.
1963 Jan. Rai Bahadur Samuel Das, M.A., C.I.E., Master of Serampore College. Most Rev. Lakdasa de Mel, Metropolitan of the  Church of India, Pakistan, Burma and Ceylon.
1964 Jan. Rai Bahadur Samuel Das, M.A., C.I.E., Master of Serampore College. Rev. A.E. Inbanathan, M.A., B.D., Ph.D.
1965 Jan. Rai Bahadur Samuel Das, M.A., C.I.E., Master of Serampore College. Max Hunter Harrison, S.T.M., Ph.D.
1966 Jan. Rai Bahadur Samuel Das, M.A., C.I.E., Master of Serampore College. Rt. Rev. William Stewart, M.A., B.D., D.D.
1967 Jan. Rai Bahadur Samuel Das, M.A., C.I.E., Master of Serampore College. Rt. Rev. Lesslie Newbigin, M.A., D.D.
1969 Oct. Prof. M.N. Biswas, Principal, Serampore College. The Rev. Cannon P.T. Chandy, Vice-Chancellore, Gorakhpur University.
1970 Jan. Lakdasa de Mel, M.A., D.D., Master, Serampore College. The Most Rev. P. Solomon.
1971 Jan. Mr. A.D. Khan, I.C.S., Master, Protem of Serampore College. The Rev. E.L.Wenger, M.A., B.D.
1972 Feb. Rev. L.F. Knoll, M.A., M.Th., Master of Serampore College. The Most Rev. L.T. Picachy, S.J.
1973 Feb. Mr. A.D. Khan, I.C.S., Master of Serampore College. The Most Rev. Eric Samuel Nasir, M.A., B.T., D.D.
1974 Feb. Mr. A.D. Khan, I.C.S., Master of Serampore College. The Rev. J.D. Hughey, B.A., B.D., Ph.D.
1975 Feb. Mr. A.D. Khan, I.C.S., Master of Serampore College. Dr. Shoki Coe.
1976 Feb. Mr. A.D. Khan, I.C.S., Master of Serampore College. Charles W. Ranson.
1977 Feb. Mr. A.D. Khan, I.C.S., Master of Serampore College. Dr. C.T. Kurien.
1978 Feb. Mr. A.D. Khan, I.C.S., Master of Serampore College. Rt. Rev. Paulose Mar Paulose.
1979 Feb. Mr. A.D. Khan, I.C.S., Master of Serampore College. Fr. Samuel Rayan, S.J.
1980 Feb. Mr. A.D. Khan, I.C.S., Master of Serampore College. Dr. Chandran D.S.Devanesen, M.A., Ph.D.
1981 Feb. Mr. A.D. Khan, I.C.S., Master of Serampore College. Dr. Hans Jochen Margull.
1982 Feb. Mr. A.D. Khan, I.C.S., Master of Serampore College. Rev. Aharon Sapsezian.
1983 Feb. Mr. A.D. Khan, I.C.S., Master of Serampore College. Rev. Dr. John Mbiti.
1984 Feb. Mr. A.D. Khan, I.C.S., Master of Serampore College. H.E. Sri Hokishe Sema, Governor of H.P.
1985 Feb. Mr. A.D. Khan, M.A. (Cantb.), I.C.S. (Rtd.), Master of Serampore College. Dr. Harold H. Wilke.
1986 Feb. Mr. A.D. Khan, M.A. (Cantb.), I.C.S. (Rtd.), Master of Serampore College. Dr. S.J. Samaratha, S.T.M., Ph.D.
1987 Feb. Mr. A.D. Khan, M.A. (Cantb.), I.C.S. (Rtd.), Master of Serampore College. C. Selvamony, M.A., B.D., S.T.M.
1988 Feb. Mr. A.D. Khan, M.A. (Cantb.), I.C.S. (Rtd.), Master of Serampore College. Dr. Howard M. Mills, B.A., M.Div., S.T.M., Ph.D.
1989 Feb. Mr. A.D. Khan, M.A. (Cantb.), I.C.S. (Rtd.), Master of Serampore College. Dr. Samuel Amirtham, M.A., B.D., D.Th.
1990 Feb. Mr. A.D. Khan, M.A. (Cantb.), I.C.S. (Rtd.), Master of Serampore College. The Very Rev. Lois M. Wilson, O.C., B.A.,D.D.,D.C.L.
1991 Feb. Mr. A.D. Khan, M.A. (Cantb.), I.C.S. (Rtd.), Master of Serampore College. Dr. J.R. Chandran, M.A., B.D. (Hons.), B.Lit.,        S.T.M.
1992 Feb. Dr. K. Rajaratnam, M.A., Ph.D., D.D., Master of Serampore College. Metropolitan Paulos Mar Gregorios, B.A., M.Div.,          S.T.M., D.Th.
1993 Feb. Dr. K. Rajaratnam, M.A., Ph.D., D.D., Master of Serampore College. Dr. Kosuke Koyama, Ph.D.
1994 Feb. Dr. K. Rajaratnam, M.A., Ph.D., D.D., Master of Serampore College. Dr. T.V. Philip, B.Sc., B.D., Ph.D.
1995 Feb. Dr. K. Rajaratnam, M.A., Ph.D., D.D., Master of Serampore College. Rt. Rev. Dr. P.V. Premasager, B.D., M.A., Ph.D.
1996 Feb. Dr. K. Rajaratnam, M.A., Ph.D., D.D., Master of Serampore College. Rt. Rev. Dr. D.J. Ambala Vanar, B.D., M.Th.
1997 Feb. Dr. K. Rajaratnam, M.A., Ph.D., D.Th., D.D., D.Litt., Master of Serampore College. Dr. Lother Engel, Dr. Theol.
1998 Feb. Dr. K. Rajaratnam, M.A., Ph.D., D.Th., D.D., D.Litt., Master of Serampore College. Dr. Premaseelan Niles, M.A., Ph.D.
1999 Feb. Dr. K. Rajaratnam, M.A., Ph.D., D.Th., D.D., D.Litt., Master of Serampore College. Dr. Robin Boyd, Australia.
2000 Feb. Dr. K. Rajaratnam, M.A., Ph.D., D.Th., D.D., D.Litt., Master of Serampore College. Dr. Saphir P. Athyal, Ph.D.
2001 Feb. Dr. K. Rajaratnam, M.A., Ph.D., D.Th., D.D., D.Litt., Master of Serampore College. Dr. Nyambura Njoroge, ETE, WCC,    Geneva.
2002 Feb. Dr. K. Rajaratnam, M.A., Ph.D., D.Th., D.D., D.Litt., Master of Serampore College. His Excellency Hans_Joachim Kiderlen, Deputy Ambassador, Federal Republic of Germany
2003 Feb. Dr. K. Rajaratnam, M.A., Ph.D., D.Th., D.D., D.Litt., Master of Serampore College. Justice K. T. Thomas, Former Judge,    Supreme Court of India
2004 Feb. Dr. K. Rajaratnam, M.A., Ph.D., D.Th., D.D., D.Litt., Master of Serampore College. Rev. Dr. Frederick S. Downs, Ph.D.
2005 Feb Dr. K. Rajaratnam, M.A., Ph.D., D.Th., D.D., D.Litt., Master of Serampore College. Rev. Dr. John H. Thomas General            Minister & President, United Church of Christ (USA)
2006 Feb Dr. K. Rajaratnam, M.A., Ph.D., D.Th., D.D., D.Litt., Master of Serampore College. Rev. Dr. Joachim Wietzke Formmer          Director, Northelbian Centre for World Mission and Church World Service, Germany.
2007 Feb Dr. K. Rajaratnam, M.A., Ph.D., D.Th., D.D., D.Litt., Master of Serampore College. His Excellency Shri M. M. Jacob, Honorable Governor of Meghalaya
2008 Feb Dr. K. Rajaratnam, M.A., Ph.D., D.Th., D.D., D.Litt., Master of Serampore College. Mr. Ahn Jae Woong
2009 Feb Dr. K. Rajaratnam, M.A., Ph.D., D.Th., D.D., D.Litt., Master of Serampore College. Dr. E. C. John, M.A.(Cantab), Dr.Theol.
2010 Feb Mrs. Hilda Peacock M.A.,B.Ed., Vice Master of Serampore College. Most Rev. Dr. A.M. Chinnappa, SDB, DD, Ph.D.
2011 Feb Rt. Rev. Dr. John S. Sadananda, M.A., B.D., Dr. Theol., Master of Serampore College. Mr. Samuel Kabue, B.A., M.A.      (Nairobi), M.A. (Bir.)
2012 Feb Rt. Rev. Dr. John S. Sadananda, M.A., B.D., Dr. Theol., Master of Serampore College. Rt. Rev. Dr. James Alan Bergquist,  B.A., B.D., Ph.D.
2013 Feb Rt. Rev. Dr. John S. Sadananda, M.A., B.D., Dr. Theol., Master of Serampore College. Rev. Dr. Henry S. Wilson
2014 Feb Rt. Rev. Dr. John S .Sadananda, M.A., B.D., Dr. Theol., Master of Serampore College. Rev. Dr. Dietrich Werner, M.Th.,Ph.D.
2015 Feb Rt. Rev. Dr. John S .Sadananda, M.A., B.D., Dr. Theol., Master of Serampore College. Rev. Helmut Grimmsmann, M.Th.
2016 Feb Rt. Rev. Dr. John S .Sadananda, M.A., B.D., Dr. Theol., Master of Serampore College. Rev. Dr habil. Klaus Schäfer, Ph.D
2017 Feb Rt. Rev. Dr. John S.Sadananda, M.A., B.D., Dr. Theol., Master of Serampore College. Rev. Christopher Mackie Ferguson,    B.A., M.Div., M.A.
2017 Dec Rt. Rev. Dr. John S .Sadananda, M.A., B.D., Dr. Theol., Master of Serampore College. Rev. Lennart Persson, M.A., B.D.,    M.Th.
2018 Dec Rt. Rev. Dr. John S .Sadananda, M.A., B.D., Dr. Theol., Master of Serampore College. Rev. Dr. Olav Fykse Tveit, M.Th.,  D.Th.
2019 Nov Bishop Dr. Anilkumar John Servand, M.Sc., B.Ed., B.D., M.Th., Ph.D., Master of Serampore College. Rev. Dr. Rafael Malpica Padilla, B.A.(Phil), M.Div.
2021 Apr Bishop Dr. Anilkumar John Servand, M.Sc., B.Ed., B.D., M.Th., Ph.D., Master of Serampore College. Cor Episcopos Rev. Dr. Patrick Sookhdeo, Ph.D.
2021 Dec Bishop Dr. Anilkumar John Servand, M.Sc., B.Ed., B.D., M.Th.,Ph.D., Master of Serampore College. Ms. Colleen Townsley Brinkmann, B.A., M.A.
2022 Nov Bishop Dr. Anilkumar John Servand, M.Sc., B.Ed., B.D., M.Th.,Ph.D., Master of Serampore College. Rev. Dr. Henry S. Wilson, B.D., M.A., Th.M., Ph.D.
2023 Bishop Dr. Anilkumar John Servand, M.Sc., B.Ed., B.D., M.Th.,Ph.D., Master of Serampore College. Dr. Silja Joneleit-Oesch, Dr. Theol.
2024 Bishop Dr. Anilkumar John Servand, M.Sc., B.Ed., B.D., M.Th.,Ph.D., Master of Serampore College. Rev. Dr. Roger Gaikwad, B.A., B.D., M.Th., D.Th.