Nature of Serampore Degrees:

All Serampore programmes are theological in nature and are catered to the pastoral and professional needs of the non-Roman Catholic churches in India.


  1. Doctor of Theology (D.Th.)

The D.Th. programme is an endeavor to promote advanced theological education and the formation and equipment of leadership personnel for the ministry and mission of the church in the world and for the Theological education of the church as a whole. Its main objective is to promote critical and creative research in specialized fields of knowledge related to the life, heritage and mission of the church as well as contextual Christian faith, and to advance the frontiers of knowledge. It encourages students to take seriously the legitimate aspirations of all people for justice, freedom, dignity and a life worthy of humanity; cultural, ideological and religious plurality of our society; ecumenical dimension of all Christian thinking in relation to the unity of the Church, the integrity of creation, unity of faith and sensitivity to all dimensions of our life; and the study of Asian languages, cultures, patterns of thought and behavior. It is a minimum of three years residential programme. The thesis can only be submitted after the completion of four years.

  1. Master of Theology (M.Th.)

The M.Th. degree programme is oriented towards equipping men and women at an academic level higher than that of B.D. programme for various ministries of the church. The contemporary challenges that the church in India faces in the context of religious awakening and cultural pluralism, the issues of poverty and justice, and the concerns raised by liberation movements call for a contextual and holistic approach to higher theological studies and paying attention to our heritage. The M.Th. curriculum is designed to include an integrative and interdisciplinary approach to study with due awareness to the need for specialization. Master of theology course is offered in eleven branches: Old Testament, New Testament, Christian Theology, Christian Ethics, History of Christianity, Religions, Christian Ministry, Communication, Social Studies, Women’s Studies and Missiology. It is two years programme.

  1. Master in Counselling and Psychotherapy (MCP)

Master in Counselling and Psychotherapy (MCP) is a post-Graduate program for those who hold a Bachelor degree in secular disciplines/ B.C.S/ B.D from the Senate of Serampore College (University). It is primarily meant for all, both laity as well as Christian ministers who are interested in Counselling. It is designed to provide Christian professionals, Church workers and laity with in-depth knowledge and skills in Counselling to serve the church and society. a substantial period of their studies will be provided for supervised counselling. Later in 2015, it was opened up for candidates from other religions as well. It is a two year residential program equivalent to any Master degrees. However for the purpose of teaching at a theological college, it is not equivalent to M.Th, hence MCP graduates cannot teach at BD level. The prerequisite for MCP and the very design and objective of the course is different than that of M.Th.

  1. Bachelor of Divinity (B.D.)

The B.D. degree course is designed to equip persons for essential functions and ministries of the Church in India who could commend their faith with relevance in the context of a pluralistic world. It aims at an integrative and inter-disciplinary approach among the biblical, theological, historical and religious fields with involvement in practical aspects of life and ministry in the regional, social and cultural contexts of the sub-continent. It also ensures adequate grounding in the discipline of linguistics for study of texts and provides hermeneutical tools and skills for understanding and interpreting the context of ministry. It is three and half year to four years programme.

  1. Bachelor of Theology (B.Th.)

The B.Th. programme is considered as adequate degree for the exercise of Pastoral Ministry of the Church. The course emphasizes study of Bible, Christian Faith, History of Christianity, and Religions with their missiological implications in the context of a pluralistic world. The practical work provides opportunities for involvement in ministerial practice, exposure to socio-cultural and religious situations with a view to bring integration in the total learning experience. It is three and half year to four years programme.

  1. Bachelor of Missiology (B.Miss)

Bachelor of Missiology is a residential programme offered by the Senate of Serampore College (University) to train students in Mission and Intercultural contexts. It is an integrative study programme, making use of Biblical, Theological, Pastoral, Missiological, Historical, Religious, Cultural, Social, Linguistic, Contextual and Communicative approaches for preparing workers for the mission of God. This course seeks to facilitate persona, spiritual, academic, ecclesial, ecumenical and missionary formation of candidates. It is missionary training programme for social and spiritual transformation of church and the society. The length of B. Miss. Degree course is 3 years divided in 6 semester study modules, starting from June. 5th semester will be exclusively spent in an ‘Intercultural Context’. The maximum time allowed to complete all the B. Miss requirements would be five (5) years from the date of registration.

  1. Diploma in Worship and Music (DWM)

The Diploma in Worship and Music (DWM) is offered by the Senate of Serampore College (University). The Programme is designed to inculcate in students the methods of Worship and Music and its importance in Christian Ministry. DWM is one-year residential course designed to equip students to serve as effective worship leaders in today’s church.


  1. Doctor of Ministry (D.Min.)

The degree is designed to enhance the professional competence of pastors and others engaged in some form of Christian ministry through an integrated process of study and practice. Its objectives are; to equip candidates with necessary academic and professional skills needed for the ministry; to make the candidate’s own ministerial involvement and experience as a basis for theological learning and reflection; and to provide tools to analyze the contemporary socio-political, religio-cultural contexts of the society and interpret their missiological implications for the Christian faith. It is an extension programme of the Senate conducted through seminars, collegiums and distance education training system. It is three years programme.

  1. Diploma in Clinical Pastoral Counselling (D.C.P.C.)

It is designed to equip those who wish to participate effectively in the healing ministry of the church through theologically and psychologically sound training in counseling. The course aims to provide an understanding of healing and wholeness from a Christian perspective; to provide an awareness of and sensitivity to the various areas of need for healing; to impart skills in Pastoral care and counseling; to enable the development of attitudes and sensitivity to relate oneself in depth to those in need and to help, recognize and utilize the spiritual resources in counselling. It is one year’s programme.

  1. Master of Christian Studies (M.C.S)

Master of Christian Studies (M.C.S) is a post BCS/BD Program, primarily meant for laity and Christian ministers who wish to continue theological studies through external programs. It is designed to provide Christian professionals, Church workers and laity with in-depth theological knowledge to facilitate the lay leadership in the church and society. It is a post-graduate professional degree course for the laity who cannot enroll for a post-graduate regular course like M.Th. MCS is not equivalent to M.Th. neither will be accepted for teaching in theological Seminaries. MCS is a three year program in which first two years the candidates study the courses and write the examinations while the third year is given for the project work/thesis which is compulsory.

  1. Bachelor of Christian Studies (B.C.S.)

The degree is designed to provide Christian professionals and laity with academic skills for an in-depth understanding of Christian faith, history, doctrines and practical dimensions of ministry to interact with their neighbors and professional colleagues in their common quest for meaning of life. The course is intended to integrate theological education with the professional orientation of the students. It is also an extension education programme and is conducted through contact seminars. Some selected affiliated colleges are permitted to enroll students and conduct seminars. It is four years programme

    5. Bachelor of Bible Translation Studies (BBTS)

The task of Bible translation and of related language ministries continues today, and this degree in Bible Translation Studies is designed to prepare the next generation of translators, literacy workers, language and community development workers, community health workers and facilitators of the ethno-arts with the basic knowledge, skills and attitudes needed not only to translate the Word of God faithfully, clearly and naturally in their respective languages, context and culture, but to also prepare literature and teach people to read, promote multi-lingual education, facility community-driven development activities, see to the health needs of the communities they serve and to promote the ethno-arts of local communities. The Units within this Bachelor’s degree program will introduce key theoretical concepts, useful methodologies, and practical skills for the work of Bible translation, language, literacy, community development, community health and the facilitation of ethno-arts.  The Bachelor degree course is of 3 years duration.

    6. Diploma in Christian Studies (Dip.C.S.)

The diploma is introduced for the benefit of people of all faiths to study Christianity as a religion, to understand its faith, history and practices through private study. The course is designed to provide a specifically Christian perspective for the study of Christianity, to show the essential unity as well as diversity of the Christian faith, to study history of Christianity in India as an integral part of Indian social, cultural and political unity, to interpret Christian faith in its struggles to meet the contemporary challenges to be relevant and contextual, and to promote inter-faith harmony for peaceful co-existence among various religious communities in India. It is an extension education programme and is conducted through contact seminars. Some selected affiliated colleges too are permitted to enroll students and conduct seminars. It is two years programme.

    7. Diploma of Bible Translation (Dip. B.T.)

This diploma is designed to prepare the next generation of translators with the basic knowledge, skills and attitudes needed to translate the Word of God faithfully, clearly and naturally in their respective context and culture. The Course introduces key theoretical concepts, useful methodologies, and practical skills for the work of Bible translation. The course is oriented to application, and includes training in translation software, and a substantial practicum component. Its objective is to study the meaning of biblical passages within their original historical and cultural contexts. The duration of the course is normally two years of study.

    8. Diploma in Christian Education (Dip.C.E)

The Diploma in Christian Education is offered by the Senate of Serampore College (University) as an External Study programme. The course is designed to inspire and challenge lay educators and other church members to rethink the purpose, methods, and role of Christian Education in building up local church congregation. It seeks to help candidates impart their faith experiences in the most inclusive and life-affirming manners in the church and those they come into contact with within their daily lives, in the family, in the workplace, in the neighbourhood, and to the society at large. In this way, people in the local church community can acquire mature and steadfast Christian faith, which is open to celebrating the diversities of life and responsive to the challenges of the day. The duration of the course is one year

  9. Diploma in Contextual Theology (Dip. C.T.)

As an External Study programme the course is introduced to provide dynamic engagements between theological formulations that are taking place in theological colleges/seminaries and the local church community. It seeks to inspire and guide the candidates, mainly the laity, to have a critical theological reflection on their own experiences so that authentic and radical life-transforming contextual theologies may be formulated by the people themselves. The objectives of this course is to make students understand the need and importance of contextual theological education and to make the Gospel of Christ relevant and authentic through contextual interpretation that will inspire and strengthen the church communities to face different challenges. The duration of the course is one year.